BMI Fellowship of Ministers

Watch the story about our minister, Melanie Fox and her husband Michael, on the 700 Club here. What a blessing to be part of their special day filmed at The Brittain Ministries House.

Ministry Spotlight - Dennis & Gail Clark

Jumping For Jesus International Club

Brittain Ministries Fellowship of Ministers

The Fellowship of Brittain Ministries' Ministers, of which Dr. Hilda Brittain has oversight, bonded as a family with one purpose in the callings to go ye into all the world to promote the Gospel with a zeal. The forty-five ministers have stretched and enlarged their tents to reach the world with the Word of Faith for salvation, baptism in the Holy Spirit, healing and deliverance. In our group of ministers we have Apostles, Prophets, Teachers, Pastors, Evangelists, Chaplains and those with Special Gifts. 

Five couples are pastoring Word Churches, which they founded in Florida, Virginia, South Carolina, Oklahoma and here in Hickory, North Carolina. Our hearts, minds and ears are to be available to the 45 Brittain Ministries' Ministers, therefore, sensitive to their personal and ministry needs. We keep before our eyes our purpose for Brittain Ministries Fellowship of Ministers, which is to do all that we can do, as Officers and Members of the Board of Brittain Ministries, Inc., to help the Ministers be all they can be as they fulfill the Calling of God upon their lives. 


1. To do ALL that we can do for our ministers, as Officers and Members of

the Board for Brittain Ministries, Inc.

2. To lay hands on our ministers for "the impartation of spiritual gifts, that

you may be established". (Romans 1:11)

3. To help the ministers be ALL that they can be as they fulfill the Calling of

God upon their lives.


We offer personal support to the ministers through prayer and communication, such as: personal counseling, telephone calls, e-mails, monthly teaching letters, website, an Annual Meeting for Brittain Ministries Fellowship of Ministers and for the Body of Christ.


The result of Purpose and Pursuit.....

That unity and fellowship is known among the ministers who are now a strong force for promoting the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all the World.

As we strive to fulfill our commitment to our ministers, we should recommend that you become a Monthly Financial Partner with Brittain Ministries. Your partnering with us in prayer and finances allows you to be more active regularly with like-minded ministers. The success of your ministry is vital to us. We prioritize prayer and ministry to you.

Click here to meet some of our Brittain Ministers