Brittain Ministries, Inc.
"Go ye therefore, into all the world..."
Learn about your Spiritual Gifts
- Materials & Lunch included with FREE registration.
Saturday, April 5 10:30 - 1pm
Saturday, May 3 10:30 - 1pm
Quarterly GOOD NEWSletter
About Us
We welcome you to Brittain Ministries and pray that you will be encouraged as you browse through the following pages. Our goal is to bring the message of Christ to you. Our objective is to present in a way that will make you desire to know Him. Here, you will discover what our ministry believes, resources available to assist you in learning, and the Biblical values we hold dear.
In our Heritage Museum, you will meet the founders of Brittain Ministries, Drs. Ralph and Hilda Brittain, who have lived an incredibly supernatural life. It all began when Ralph Brittain was miraculously healed, and God called him into ministry. After eleven years of intense Bible study, he was prepared to teach others about Jesus.
Then in 1973, Hilda Brittain retired from and answered God's call to join Ralph to "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost..." according to Matthew 28:19-20. The Lord Jesus called them into His service in a teaching and healing ministry.
They have experienced God's miracle-working power in their own lives - both being healed from incurable diseases. Wherever they went, they taught the power of His Word, "The Lord working with them and confirming the Word with signs following" (Mark16:20). All the Gifts of the Spirit operated through them as they ministered to the Body of Christ... and many were saved, filled with the Holy Spirit, healed, and set free to serve the Lord. Now, Brittain Ministries invites you to...
Come share in our adventures with Christ to a new generation.